Preparing for the Future by Reflecting on the Past

As every New Years, the top resolutions are:

  • losing weight
  • reconciling family relationships
  • paying off debt
  • quitting a bad habit such as drinking or smoking.

In saying that, most of our good intentions for making resolutions don’t last by the end of January. But, I want to encourage you with some thoughts; as a ministry leader, business owner, or just personal; not make resolutions but to set future goals by reflecting on the past (write your thoughts down):

  • What are your top 3 personal and professional accomplishments this past year? Look for themes, why’s, and how’s
  • What challenges did you face last year? What are some valuable lessons you have learnt?
  • What do you want to leave behind? What do you want to do to move forward in the New Year?

When you prepare well, you will lead well in any context. Benjamin Franklin said, “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.”   

I encourage you in 2011 not to make resolutions but set realistic goals by reflecting, evaluating, and preparing for your best year ever.