Dating for Life

I think dating is AWESOME. I love taking my wife out on the town, in house movie nights, and/or anything with her… Why… because I love spending time with my wife.

When we go out for a date, it is a chance to spend quality time together, reconnect, share dreams/frustrations, and it adds romance to the relationship.

I think it is important to say that BEFORE anyone gets in a serious relationship with ANYONE is to ask themselves: “can I date this person for life?” or “can I see myself being with this person for the rest of my life.”

  • If the answer is NO, run away and don’t ask yourself the “what if” question because the relationship isn’t worth it.
  • If the answer is IDK or maybe, perhaps you should get to know the person BEFORE you date. Become friends…
  • If the answer is YES, then you really like this person. Get to know them better. Take it slow. Get to know the real person…  Dating for life can be a reality if you wait…

This may be a hard question to ask when it comes to relationships. But this question can save ALOT of people from heartbreak, drama, and of course, cash. The reason people need to ask this question is because it SAVES you for the BEST person… for YOU… not just anyone…

No one gets into a relationship that wants to end bad… but it does because we don’t have enough guts and courage to ask this question honesty. When we know that a person isn’t right for us, we start to become mean, greedy, or compromising.

Dating for life is to have fun with your life partner… that lasts for life. WAIT for the best because they are out there… how? Ask: “can I date this person for life.”