Posts tagged iGen
What Are Your Growth Engines in Ministry?

Planting seeds. This is the reality of planting, investing, and being strategic, in areas of our churches where the outcomes far outweigh the investment. In business, they call this “growth engines”.Growth engines are strategic outcomes (up to 30% or more) of what has been invested into it. This is the reality of next generation ministries (NGM) throughout Canada. Why?

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Communicating TRUTH that Connects

I just got out of a weekend speaking to iGEN (or generation Z). I love speaking to the next generation because it keeps me sharp, real, and effective. Over the years, I have found that my communication styles have changed because, frankly put, culture changes. Besides, I don’t want to be a communicator that simply communicates, I want to connect with my audience. With that said, here are some practical ways to connect with iGen to communicate TRUTH:

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