Apocalyptic Living: Marked by 666 or 777?

Recently, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about the difference with Revelation teachings about 666 and 777 living. In short, these numbers teach us HOW to live in an apocalyptic world. Even though 666 is about the Beast (Revelation 13:18) and people are marked by the beast, it is really about being marked by the world and/or the culture we live in. In the same way, 777 represents being marked by the Spirit (i.e, Revelation 5:6). 

And, I wonder what 777 living could look like and/or to respond to the apocalyptic culture we are currently facing?

For example, what would it look like IF the Church (united together) could combat climate change rather than government powerplays, policies, and/or lack of compliance? What would it look like, if Greta Thunberg changed the narrative of criticizing governments of their lack of competency to get anything done (in regards to climate change) to inspiring the Church to respond? OR, better yet, maybe the Church needs someone like Greta Thunberg to help fight climate change...

For me, I think the Church COULD (and/or should) have an increasingly awareness and agility to respond to apocalyptic issues IF we are marked by 777.

AND… the challenge is: Who is willing to be marked by 777 and make a difference in a 666 world?

What are your thoughts?