Our HM team has received a lot of questions as to why and how Historymaker is going to a one weekend, two locations format.

First, why. Historymaker is moving forward with this model because of the mission. In the past, we have had some great bands and speakers that have allowed students to bring their friends, and yet, there are so many more students that could not participate in Historymaker because of it happening in one central location. Therefore, this is the main reason we are going to two locations; we want to offer this life-altering encountering with the living God for more students and leaders so that they can be agents of transformation in their communities.

Second, how. Due to this change, Historymaker is able to offer the weekend at a more reasonable rate. Furthermore, the bands and speakers at Historymaker 2019 will be at both locations throughout the weekend and each location will have the same theme, branding, production, speakers, and worship bands as a shared mission. Find out all the details at www.historymaker.ca

Last, I want to share my heart with you. Historymaker is #morethanaconference. It is about the mission (reaching students); it is not an attractional model. We truly want to reach more students this weekend. Why? Because we know Historymaker offers the youth and their leaders a life-altering, transformational encounter with the living God. This is extremely important because we know that transformed students are the ones that will transform their communities, cities, and culture for Christ. This is why Historymaker is #morethanaconference.

If you have any questions about Historymaker 2019, feel free to contact me anytime.

Reaching a generation within a generation.With you,

Andy GabruchComment