Heaven is better than...

At Historymaker Conference 2010, Bob Lenz spoke to 3500 teens and volunteers about Heaven in his first session from Luke 11:2.

Heaven is better than:

  • MONEY - it is the lowest in heaven as the streets are made out of gold. The world elevates wealth, Heaven walks on it.
  • FOOD - all you can eat pizza all the time! It will be a continual feast... and there will be no calories.
  • JETSKIS - heaven will be fun
  • GETTING DRUNK - Fun for a season but ends in addiction, abuse, or pain. There is NO pain, addiction, abuse in heaven. So many times we think that this world offers us more than heaven
  • SEX - sex does not fulfill... marriage is God's idea... and it still works!

Heaven is NOT:

  • disappointing, painful, hurts, abuse, disunity and war, hatred, judgement... these things are NOT in heaven.


  • Heaven lives in our hearts... and ONE DAY will become a reality.
  • We can bring a glimpse of heaven in our everyday reality as we give our lives to Christ... not just being our first priority...
  • What are YOUR thoughts?

Check out HM 2010 Intro Video: