TimeOut 2016

We are so excited for what God wants to do at Timeout 2016. TO is a rest, renewal, and relational retreat for #youngpastors and #youngleaders to find shalom (completeness) with God and their spouses, be resourced in the sessions, and sharpened in relationships. Last year, we had over 110 pastors all across BC + the Yukon. This year, I am excited to have with us Mark + Jenni Colwell. They are friends from the “left side” of Canada. They love leaders, teenagers, and children. Also, we will be having  testimonies from veteran pastors who have been doing youth and children work for a while. They are coming to encourage you, do life with you, and minister to you. Last, we are offering professional counselling, financial planning, and life coaching for those who want it.

I encourage you to do whatever it takes to get to TO. It will be a great + meaningful weekend for you, your spouse, and for those you minister to.

For more details and registration, check out TO at www.nextgenbc.ca. 

See you in Vancouver!