Worth a Thousand Words - part 3

In our last full day in Maesot, we ministered at two Sunday services, visited NewBlood; a migrant school that Boucherie Secondary is raising funds for a water filtration system; and put together a birthday party for a Burmese Muslim child named James.

We also put together a carnival in the slums of Bangkok at a local community centre.

NewBlood Migrant School

This school has over 100 Muslim migrant students from Burma. It is a poor school that needs a lot of help. It struggles to have enough food, clean drinking water, and facilities to accommodate the children. It is amazing to have students from Boucherie Secondary in the Rotary club raise funds for a much needed water filtration system. This will solve a lot of problems from diarrhea, kidney stones, and other

sicknesses that keep the children away from the class room. Our team came to build relationships under Imagine Thailand; donate much needed supplies, and have fun with the children.


Birthday Party for James Bond :)

Our team decided to put a birthday party for James; a child that hasn’t had a birthday yet. His mom is forced to live in a barn because his mom is crippled. She has a degree in mathematics but cannot use it because no one will hire her because of her disability. We met the family as they live in the field across the Hanson’s house. It was a great day to be able to bless this family! Not only that, James had a lot of neighbourhood kids come to play with him each getting a gift bag, and sing happy bday... It was a highlight for me.

Bangkok slums

We partnered with a local ministry who has been serving over 2.5 years to build trust with the local slums in Bangkok. Our team came alongside to offer carnival activities, food, and prizes for all the children in the area. We had over 100 children and parents out for the event. Our teens did a great job.