Burma Earthquake Update

Email and Facebook messages have been flooding in regarding the earthquake in Burma... and the team is ok. In fact, we felt nothing from the earthquake. Here is an update from Saralee, one of the elevate leaders:

I wrote Derrick about an hour ago to tell him to let parents know we didn't even feel anything here in Mae Sot.  It is after  midnight here and news just started getting out a couple hours ago.  So most of our team is asleep.  I'm sure I'm the only one still up - my melatonin hasn't kicked in yet.  I posted on facebook as well that all is totally fine here.  My concern is how bad it was in Burma.  We may never know the real story on that…

In saying that, please pray for Burma:

  • Pray for the military regime to have a fast and quick response to the earthquake crisis... and to their people
  • Pray that the Burmese people would unite under this crisis
  • Pray for freedom in Burma; 60 million people under dictatorship oppression since 1962.