Worth a Thousand Words - part 1

 We have been BUSY working hard with the life camps, Sunday services, engaging in educational tours, and team building.

Enjoy the pictures!

LEFT - Andy and Minmin. Minmin was abandoned at the Measot Walk In Clinic. He is Burmese; which limits his potential in the country of Thailand. Futhermore, he has no papers. He is an orphan, limited to work/career options, and no home. I was able to hold him because the Hanson's have him as transitional parents for a non-profit organization called Compassio.

 RIGHT - team A leading a Sunday service at a Burmese Migrant school. ALL the students you see are orphans who have fled Burma to Thailand for a better life (as the rest of the students are on their summer break). A better life means education, a bamboo hut, and food. FYI, the school welcomed two children who fled Burma in August; a brother and a sister. They fled Burma because the military government destroyed their village. There is no record if their parents are alive.

BELOW - are action shots taken at daily Life Camps. Imagine Thailand provides life camps to Migrant schools in Thailand in the hope to give these students official documentation by the U.N. With official documentation, children are not as vulnerable to human trafficking in Southeast Asia.



 A very important part of any great STM trip is educational tours. Here are a couple that we had a chance to experience:

LEFT - The AAPP; the Assitance Association for Political Prisoners is an organization that builds awareness in the political oppression in Burma. Over 2,000 political figures are in prison today. ALL of them are treated unjustly; worst than criminals, and treated like dogs. Most of them are tortured; some do not survive. I encourage you to check out their webiste here: AAPP. It will change your life.

It changed mine!

I met a political figure at the AAPP that was totured for 7 years. He was thrown into prison with no trail because he tried to build a student council at his university. He had no charges, no bail, beaten daily, and put into a prison cell for 23.5 hours a day in COMPLETE isolation. He survived because of his visitations by his family. He does not live in Burma.

BELOW - is a popular local swimming spot, waterfall, and Buddah worship location.