The Power of One Percent

At youth last night, we put together a Ugly Christmas Sweater Idol where 10 people made the best decision they can make; to make Jesus Lord and Savior of their life. As youth leaders and friends surrounded them for prayer and support, I had to ask myself: How are we going to move these teens from conversions to disciples? Is it mentorship? Relationships? Small groups? Attendance?

Then it hit me, how can we make next week events and/or programs one percent stronger than last weeks?

That is a great question to ask ourselves... because if we can grow one percent each week, that means we have grown over fifty percent that year. It is the concept of baby steps moving forward rather than being overwhelmed by the need... getting frustrated or discouraged.

Jeannie Mayo introduced this concept to me in her national youth leaders conference in 2005. I think it is a important perspective to engrain to our leadership teams.

Have a great Wednesday!